A few weeks ago The Fleetwood Weekly News put a piece in the paper about our plans to yarnbomb the town in an attempt to combat the councils 'no poster' rules.
Today was our first installment of these woolly wonders. Lots of lovely locals have helped by knitting, crocheting, making pom poms, loom knitting and sewing pieces of crafty gorgeousness to use for this alternative advertising
Armed with needles, wool and plenty of energy myself, Mama Bird, Sioux of Mount Pleasant Tea Rooms, Terri of Cocoa Crafts Made At Home and Summer in her PJ's, wellies and bobble hat set to work sewing together all the lovely pieces to cover a bench.
Today was Carnival day in Fleetwood so the best time to get lots of attention from the spectators.
The knitting will be left for all to see right up to The Summer Fair on 5th July.
It doesn't end here. We will be adding to the art right through until the fair and maybe even beyond ............